Africa employer of record

Tech Talent Outsourcing


Tech Talent Outsourcing


Our Back-End Developers specialize in crafting sturdy foundations using languages such as Python, Java, or C#, complemented by frameworks like Django, Spring, or .NET. Their expertise extends to both SQL and NoSQL databases, guaranteeing smooth data transmission. Proficient in security measures and performance optimization, they work closely with front-end specialists to deliver holistic solutions.


Backend Development: Craft and implement server-side logic, databases, and APIs to ensure seamless data management and application functionality.

Database Administration: Design, optimize, and oversee databases, including schema creation and efficient querying techniques for data storage and retrieval.

API Design: Develop robust and well-documented APIs to facilitate smooth communication between front-end and back-end systems.

Security Protocols: Implement encryption, authentication, and other security measures to safeguard sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

Performance Enhancement: Identify and address performance bottlenecks in servers and databases, enhancing speed and scalability for improved user experience.

Code Maintenance: Debug, troubleshoot, and update existing codebase to ensure its functionality and relevance over time.

Version Control Management: Utilize Git and other version control systems to track code changes, collaborate with team members, and manage revisions effectively.

Server Configuration: Configure and maintain server environments, including deployment and scaling, to ensure high availability of applications.

Integration Solutions: Integrate third-party services, tools, and APIs to expand application functionality and enhance user experience.

Collaborative Development: Work closely with front-end developers, designers, and team members to deliver cohesive solutions that meet project objectives.

Concurrency Management: Expertise in handling concurrent processes and multi-threading to optimize resource utilization and scalability.

Microservices Architecture: Design, develop, and maintain microservices-based architectures for scalable and modular systems.

DevOps Principles: Apply DevOps practices, automation, and tools for continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

Containerization Technologies: Utilize Docker and similar technologies to package, deploy, and manage applications in isolated environments.

Cloud Platform Experience: Deploy and manage scalable applications on cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for enhanced accessibility and flexibility.


Programming Languages Proficiency: Mastery of programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, and others, tailored to the specific technology stack.

Server Environment Management: Proficiency in server environments like Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS for hosting and serving web applications.

Database Management Systems: Understanding of both relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Redis) for efficient data storage.

API Development Tools: Familiarity with tools like Swagger, Postman, or Insomnia for designing, testing, and documenting APIs effectively.

Version Control Systems: Skill in utilizing Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab for version control and collaborative development workflows.

Command-Line Interface (CLI) Proficiency: Competence in using command-line interfaces for server management, database operations, and code deployment tasks.

Web Servers and Deployment: Knowledge of deploying applications using tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, AWS, or Microsoft Azure for efficient deployment.

Security Tools and Practices: Understanding of security tools and best practices, including encryption, authentication, and vulnerability assessment, to ensure robust security measures.

Caching Mechanisms: Familiarity with caching tools like Memcached or Redis to enhance application performance and reduce database load.

API Authentication and Authorization: Knowledge of OAuth, JWT, and other authentication methods to secure APIs effectively.

Web Application Frameworks: Proficiency in utilizing frameworks like Django (Python), Spring (Java), Ruby on Rails (Ruby), Express (Node.js), etc., to expedite web application development.

Serverless Architecture: Basic understanding of serverless computing platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions for efficient resource utilization.

Testing and Debugging Tools: Familiarity with tools like JUnit, PHPUnit, and debugging tools for identifying and rectifying issues promptly.

Task Runners and Build Tools: Proficiency in tools like Grunt, Gulp, or Webpack for automating build processes and tasks, enhancing development efficiency.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Tools: Basic knowledge of CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI for streamlining deployment pipelines.

Monitoring and Logging Tools: Understanding of tools like New Relic, Datadog, or ELK stack for monitoring and logging application performance effectively.

Shell Scripting: Basic knowledge of shell scripting (e.g., Bash) for automating repetitive tasks and simplifying server management processes.

API Documentation Tools: Familiarity with tools like Swagger UI or Postman for creating and maintaining comprehensive API documentation.

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