Africa employer of record

Employer of record in Algeria



Employer of record in Algeria



Algeria, the largest nation in Africa, boasts stunning geographical diversity, featuring the Sahara Desert’s vast expanse and a Mediterranean coastline. This North African gem is steeped in history, home to ancient archaeological sites, vibrant souks, and a fusion of Arabic, Berber, and French cultures. Its capital, Algiers, offers a blend of tradition and modernity, making Algeria a unique destination for both history enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Capital: Algiers

Population: (2023 est.) 44,000,000

Currency: Algerian Dinar (DA)

Language(s): Arabic; Amazigh

Employer of record in Algeria

Employee Benefits

  • 1 Jan New Year’s Day
  • 12 Jan Amazigh New Year
  • 21 Apr Eid al-Fitr
  • 22 Apr Eid al-Fitr Holiday
  • 1 May Labour Day
  • 28 Jun Eid al-Adha
  • 29 Jun Eid al-Adha Holiday
  • 5 Jul Independence Day
  • 19 Jul Islamic New Year
  • 28 Jul Ashura
  • 27 Sep Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday
  • 1 Nov Revolution Day

The labor laws in Algeria guarantee employees a minimum of 30 calendar days of paid annual leave.

The maternity leave entitlement for a female employee is 14 weeks, with specific eligibility criteria as follows:

  1. Employee must have worked at least 15 calendar days or 100 hours in the three months before the first medical acknowledgment of pregnancy.
  2. Alternatively, the employee must have worked 60 calendar days or 400 hours in the 12 months prior to the first medical acknowledgment of pregnancy.

The maternity leave includes a mandatory 6-week period before the expected date of birth and after delivery.

Male employees are eligible for three days of paid paternity leave, provided that they submit a written notice and a valid reason for their absence

Employees can have a probationary period lasting a maximum of six months, but exceptionally skilled individuals may undergo a probationary period lasting up to 12 months.

Employees typically have the right to sick leave for a substantial period of up to six months, contingent on the provision of medical certification. During the first three months, they receive paid sick leave to aid recovery, after which, for the subsequent three months, the leave is generally unpaid. This approach prioritizes employees’ health while considering the financial implications of extended absences.

To estimate the employment costs in Algeria in 2023, you can use the average salary as a baseline, which is 36,415.30 DZD per month. Keep in mind that these calculations are approximate, and specific employment costs can vary depending on various factors, including the industry, location, and the terms of employment. Here’s a breakdown of potential costs to consider:

  1. Base Salary: The average monthly salary in Algeria is 36,415.30 DZD.
  2. Dependents: Some employers may provide additional benefits or allowances for employees with dependents, but this can vary.
  3. Benefits: Standard benefits may include health insurance and possibly other benefits. The specific benefits package can vary widely depending on the employer and industry.
  4. Taxes: Employees in Algeria are subject to income tax. The tax rates vary based on income levels. For the most accurate tax calculations, it’s advisable to consult the Algerian tax authorities or a tax professional. The tax rates can range from 0% to 35% or higher for very high incomes.
  5. Social Contributions: Both employees and employers are required to make contributions to social security. The exact percentage varies depending on the social security fund. Typically, this is around 9% for the employee and 26% for the employer. These percentages can change, so it’s important to check with the relevant authorities for the latest rates.
  6. Payroll Costs: The payroll costs also include administrative expenses for processing payroll, which can vary depending on the size and complexity of the organization.

Travel and employment requirements for Algeria can vary depending on the purpose of the visit and the nationality of the individual. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Visa Requirements:

  1. Most travelers to Algeria require a visa before arrival.
  2. Exemptions from the visa requirement exist for individuals from specific countries, like Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Seychelles, Tunisia, and others, for tourism or business visits of up to 90 days.
  3. Diplomats and individuals with service passports from certain countries may also be exempt from visa requirements.

Work Visas:

  1. Foreign nationals planning to work in Algeria for an extended period typically need an Algeria work visa.
  2. If an employee will work in Algeria for up to 90 days, they can apply for a temporary work visa instead.
  3. Work visa requirements can vary, but common documentation includes an original passport with at least six months validity, a completed visa application form, a passport-sized photo, an invitation letter from the Algerian host (which could be the employer), proof of employment status, proof of financial means, travel itinerary, and payment of the visa fee.

Additional Requirements for Work Visas:

  1. To apply for a working visa, individuals will typically need a work permit and a copy of their work contract.
  2. Employers should provide a letter detailing the employee’s job title, position, and the purpose of their travel to Algeria.
  3. The employer’s letter should also state that they will cover the employee’s living expenses and the cost of repatriation.
  1. Under Article 22 of Decree 94-09, when an employee is subject to downsizing and benefits from the unemployment insurance regime, the employer is obligated to provide a compensation amount equal to three months’ salary.
  2. As per Article 23 of the same Decree, this allowance is calculated based on the average gross monthly wage received by the employee during the twelve months preceding the termination of their employment.
  3. Article 21 of Decree 94-09 specifies that employees to be terminated due to a reduction in the workforce and who are compensated through job placement, admission to retirement, or early retirement are not entitled to any compensation other than what is due to them for paid leave.
  4. In cases of serious fault, the dismissal allowance can be nullified.

In summary, when an employee is made redundant and qualifies for unemployment benefits, they should receive a compensation amounting to three months’ salary, calculated based on their average monthly wage in the year prior to termination. However, if an employee is provided an alternative form of compensation (such as job placement or retirement), they may not be entitled to additional redundancy compensation. Additionally, in cases of serious misconduct, the dismissal allowance may not be applicable.

In Algeria, employees are entitled to specific leave benefits, including paid annual leave and sick leave, as follows:

Annual Leave:

  1. Employees in Algeria are entitled to 30 days of paid annual leave.
  2. This annual leave is typically accumulated over a period of 12 months, meaning that employees gain the right to take 30 days of paid leave after completing a full year of service.

Sick Leave:

  1. Employers in Algeria are generally required to provide sick leave with pay from the first day of an employee’s illness.
  2. The specific conditions for sick leave, such as the duration and the documentation required, may vary, but it’s typically provided from the onset of the illness to support employees during their recovery.
  3. Any legal requirements related to sick leave should be followed, and employers should stay compliant with relevant labor laws.

Monthly Taxable Income (DZD)

Tax Rate %

0 to 20,000


From 20,001 to 40,000


From 40,001 to 80,000


From 80,001 to 160,000


From 160,001 to 320,000


From 320,001


In Algeria, the social security system is funded through contributions from both employers and employees. The social security rate in Algeria stands at 35% of the employee’s gross salary, and it covers various aspects of social security, including retirement, illness, unemployment, and work accidents. Here’s how the contributions are typically divided:

Employer Contribution: Employers are responsible for contributing 26% of the employee’s gross salary to the social security system. This contribution is paid by the employer on behalf of the employee.

Employee Contribution: Employees are also required to contribute to social security. They are responsible for paying 9% of their gross salary to the social security system.

These contributions go towards funding social security benefits and services, such as retirement pensions, medical coverage for illnesses, unemployment benefits, and support in cases of work-related accidents.

Algeria’s tax system includes progressive income tax rates for employees, meaning that individuals owe a higher percentage of their income as it increases. Additionally, businesses, including employers, are subject to corporate tax rates that can vary by industry. Here are some key points regarding income tax and corporate tax in Algeria:

Employee Income Tax:

  1. In Algeria, the income tax rate for employees is progressive, which means that the percentage of income tax owed increases with higher income levels.
  2. Employees are responsible for paying their income tax, and the employer typically withholds and remits this tax on behalf of the employee.

Employer Obligations for Income Tax:

  1. Employers are required to register for income tax with their local tax office within two months of forming their company.
  2. Employers are responsible for withholding and remitting income tax from their employees’ salaries, ensuring that the correct amounts are deducted and paid to the tax authorities.

Corporate Tax Rates:

  1. Corporate tax rates in Algeria can vary by industry. Different industries may have different tax rates applied to their profits.
  2. For example, manufacturing companies are subject to a corporate tax rate of 19% of their profits.
  3. Public works businesses, on the other hand, have a corporate tax rate of 23%.

In Algeria, terminating an employment relationship may pose challenges, and it’s important to ensure compliance with local labor laws. Here are some key points to note:

Termination in Algeria:

  1. Employment contracts in Algeria can be terminated by one party (either the employer or employee), by mutual agreement, or at the end of the agreed-upon duration as specified in the contract.
  2. Terminating an employee in Algeria should adhere to the legal requirements and grounds for termination outlined in Algerian labor laws.

Entitlement to Compensation:

  1. In Algeria, employees are generally entitled to compensation in cash if they are terminated for reasons other than misconduct after working for your company for at least two years.
  2. The specific details of compensation, such as the amount and conditions, should be clearly outlined in the employment contract to avoid disputes.

Compliance and Legal Considerations:

  1. It is crucial for employers to understand and comply with the labor laws and regulations of Algeria to ensure that the termination process is conducted in accordance with local legal requirements.
  2. Consult with legal experts or labor specialists who are knowledgeable about Algerian employment laws to ensure that your contracts and practices are in line with local regulations.

Under Article 73-5 of Law 90-11 in Algeria, the dismissal of workers who have not committed serious misconduct entitles them to a leave period. The minimum duration of this leave period is typically established through collective agreements or conventions, which are agreements negotiated between employers and labor representatives.

Article 73-6 of the same law outlines that during this leave period, which is designed to provide dismissed workers with an opportunity to seek alternative employment within Algeria, the following provisions apply:

  1. The dismissed worker is entitled to two hours per day of leave.
  2. These two hours of leave are cumulative and paid, meaning that the worker is compensated for this time.
  3. The purpose of this leave is to enable the dismissed worker to search for other job opportunities within Algeria.

In Algeria, labor laws regulate the maximum allowable overtime hours and compensation for employees who are required to work beyond their regular working hours.

  1. Overtime hours must not exceed 20% of the maximum working hours per week, which typically means a maximum of eight additional hours per week.
  2. On any given day, an employee must not be required to work more than a total of 12 hours.

Overtime Pay:

  1. If an employee is required to work additional hours beyond their regular working hours, they are entitled to overtime pay.
  2. The standard overtime pay rate is a minimum of 150% of the normal hourly wage. This means that for each hour of overtime worked, the employee should be compensated at a rate 1.5 times their regular hourly wage.

Working on Weekly Day Off:

  1. If an employee is required to work on their weekly day off (typically a rest day), they are entitled to additional compensation.
  2. In such cases, they should be granted another day off (in lieu) to make up for the lost rest day.
  3. Additionally, they are entitled to receive 150% of their wage for the hours worked during their weekly day off.

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